Li-Fan is selected to be a Hellman Fellow from the Hellman Fellowship Program. (5/2013)
Li-Fan is selected to be a Kimmel Scholar from the Sidney Kimmel Foundation for Cancer Research. (5/2012)
Welcome Leilani to the Lu lab as our first graduate student! (7/2012)
Welcome Hyang-Mi to the Lu lab as our first postdoc! (7/2012)
Welcome Sunglim to the Lu lab as our postdoc! (12/2012)
Welcome Cheng-Jang Wu( Visiting Scholar) to the Lu lab!(4/2013)
Welcome Duc Nguyen to the lab lab as our Volunteer Research (11/2013)
Congrats to Hyang-Mi for being selected to attend NIF (Network of Immunology Frontier) Winter School on Advanced Immunology in Japan (1/2014)
Congrats to Hyang-Mi for being selected as a CRI Irvington Postdcotoral Fellow (7/2014).
Congrats to Leilani for being awarded with NIH Research Supplement (8/2014).
Congrats to Leilani for being awarded with travel grant to attend AAI meeting in New Orleans this year (1/2015)
Congrats to Hyang-Mi for her (as well as the lab) first research paper in PLOS Pathogens (2/2015)
Duc is leaving for his medical school in the east coast. We wish you all the very best for your future endeavors! (7/2015)
Welcome Lindsey to the Lu lab as our first BS/MS student! (7/2015)
Hyang-Mi is leaving for her new position as Senior Scientific Researcher at Genentech. All the best for your future endeavors (9/2015)
Congrats to Sunglim and Cheng-Jang for their first research paper in J Exp Med (2/2016)
Congrats to Leilani for being selected as a Bouchet Graduate Honor Society Member (3/2016).
Li-Fan is selected as the recipient of the 2016AAI Pfizer-Showell Travel Award (3/2016)
Welcome Mei-Chi, our new postdoc to the Lu lab! (3/2016)
Congrats to Leilani for being selected as the recipient of the 2016 AAI FASEB MARC Travel Award (4/2016)
Welcome Nick and Louisa, two UCSD undergrads to the Lu lab! (4/2016)
Congrats to Leilani for her successful thesis defense! (9/2016)
Congrats to Leilani for her paper being accepted in J Clin Invest! (10/2016)
Welcome Flavia and David to the Lu lab! (10/2016)
Leilani is leaving for her new position as a Postdoctoral Fellow at The Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation. All the best for your future endeavors (12/2016)
Congrats to Cheng-Jang for being awarded with a travel grant to attend AAI meeting in DC this year (3/2017)
Welcome Chia-Hao to the Lu lab as our newest postdoc! (3/2017)
Congrats to Sunglim for her paper being accepted in J Immunol! (4/2017)
Welcome Jasmin, an UCSD undergrad to the Lu lab! (4/2017)
Li-Fan becomes the tenured Associate Professor at UCSD! (7/2017)
Congrats to Lindsey for being selected to represent UCSD to compete for the WAGS/Proquest distingushed master’s thesis award (10/2017)
Congrats to Jiayi for being awarded with Chancellor’s Research Excellence Scholarships (CRES) (1/2018)
Welcome Gege (Scarlett), an UCSD undergrad to the Lu lab! (4/2018)
Congrats to Sunglim for her paper being accepted in Nature Communications! (6/2018)
Welcome Jesse, an UCSD undergrad to the Lu lab! (7/2018)
Congrats to Chia-Hao for being awarded with MB Cancer Biology Postdoc Fellowship (7/2018)
Welcome Emma, a visiting scholar to the Lu lab! (8/2018)
Sunglim is leaving for her new position as Manager at GreenCross LabCell back in Korea. All the best for your future endeavors (12/2018)
Welcome Pi-Hui, a visiting scholar to the Lu lab! (2/2019)
Welcome Wei-Cheng to the Lu lab as our newest postdoc! (3/2019)
Welcome Michelle to the Lu lab as our Flow Core Manager! (7/2019)
Congrats to Cheng-Jang for his paper being accepted in Science Advances! (7/2019)
Congrats to Wei-Cheng for being awarded with MB Cancer Biology Postdoc Fellowship (7/2019)
Welcome Changwook, a visiting scholar to the Lu lab! (8/2019)
Cheng-Jang is leaving for his new position as Scientist at Fate therapeutics. All the best for your future endeavors (9/2019)
Li-Fan becomes the President and the Chair of the La Jolla Immunology Conference! (10/2019)
Congrats to Jiayi and Jesse for their review article being accepted in Trends in Cancer! (11/2019)
Congrats to Jiayi for being awarded a travel grant to attend AAI meeting in Hawaii this year (2/2020)
Congrats to Jesse for his successful MS thesis defense and being accepted in the medical school at Stanford! (6/2020)
Congrats to Sunglim and Jesse for their review article being accepted in Cancers! (7/2020)
Welcome Brandon to the Lu lab as our new Flow Core Manager! (9/2020)
Congrats to Jiayi and Lindsey for their research article being accepted in Journal of Experimental Medicine! (11/2020)
Welcome Nimi to the Lu lab as our new Postdoc! (5/2021)
Congrats to Jiayi for being selected to receive Friends of the International Center Fellowship this year (5/2021)
Welcome Rasika to the Lu lab as our new PhD student! (7/2021)
Congrats to Rasika for being selected to receive the first Biolegend Immunology Fellowship (7/2021)
Congrats to Sunglim and Jiayi for their review article being accepted in Immunological Reviews! (7/2021)
Welcome Allen to the Lu lab as our new Flow Core Manager! (9/2021)
Congrats to Jiayi for being selected for the Marguerite Vogt Award (9/2021)
Congrats to Chia-Hao for his research article being accepted in Journal of Experimental Medicine! (9/2021)
Congrats to Jiayi for her successful thesis defense! (3/2022)
Congrats to Chia-Hao for his commentary being accepted in Journal of Experimental Medicine! (5/2022)
Jiayi is leaving for her new position as Scientist at Amgen. All the best for your future endeavors (6/2022)
Chia-Hao is leaving for his new position as Senior Scientist at Pfizer. All the best for your future endeavors (6/2022)
Welcome Kathy to the Lu lab as our new Flow Core Manager! (7/2022)
Welcome Zack to the Lu lab as our new Postdoc! (8/2022)
Congrats to Rasika for being selected to receive AAI oral presentation award at LJIC (10/2022)
Congrats to Rasika for being awarded with NIH F31 fellowship! (6/2023)
Li-Fan is promoted to full Professor at UCSD! (7/2023)
Congrats to Jazz for her successful MS thesis defense! (7/2023)
Welcome Gerdo to the Lu lab as our undergrad researcher. (08/2023)
Li-Fan becomes the Co-Director of the Program in Immunology (Pii) at UCSD. (09/2023)
Congrats to Jiayi for her research article being published in Journal of Experimental Medicine! (10/2023)
Zack is moving back to Taiwan. All the best for your future endeavors. (12/2023)
Congrats to Chia-Hao for his research article being published in Nature Immunology! (12/2023)
Congrats to William for his successful MS thesis defense! (4/2024)
William is leaving for his new position as Senior Research Associate at Amgen. All the best for your future endeavors! (5/2024)
Gerdo is leaving the lab to pursue his MS degree. All the best for your future endeavors. (7/2024)